Layla Gets New Ankle + Therapy Job

Posted 1 January, 2018

Layla Howe was adopted from a local animal shelter and had such significant ankle issues that she required an ankle replacement in Sun Valley.

Layla sees Darcy at BDR once a month. This summer she did some swimming and got up to about 4 miles walking on not very steep or rough trails but still has some gimpiness after some hikes. Her Veterinarian said she was well at the 6-month mark but has few prognostications as these surgeries are fairly rare.

As her physical activities will be less vigorous, her owner Katherine Howe decided to pursue a role for Layla as a therapy animal to keep her mind active and give her a sense of purpose. They are now a registered therapy team with Intermountain Therapy Animals, which is based in Salt Lake and has Montana chapters.

The pair will be able to visit venues as varied as schools, hospitals, courtrooms, and assisted living centers. The intensive training includes behavior and health screenings and learning by shadowing other therapy teams. Way to go Layla and Katherine!

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