BDR helps Jasper get up to his old tricks

Posted 1 September, 2017

  "I'm so happy that I took my ol' boy Jasper to see Darcy," says Dawn Drahos. "It feels good to be developing a plan to manage his "elder dog" lumbar issues. Darcy is over the top knowledgeable and compassionate. I'm confident that between Dr. McCormick and Darcy my fur baby is receiving the best care possible!"

Drahos recently woke up to find Jasper sleeping on the couch; he hadn't been able to get up on furniture for months and he also resumed the sport of counter surfing and also managed to steal a loaf of bread from the counter. "It is so heartwarming to see little signs of improvement!"

"Thank you SO much for the work you're doing with our fur baby," Drahos says, "We understand that his time with us is limited but it feels good to know we are doing everything we can to make sure he is as mobile and comfortable as possible in his remaining time."

Way to live it up, Jasper!

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